Wednesday, May 25, 2005

North to Alaska!

My daughter in law is having a c-section on Saturday morning, so I'm headed to Anchorage on Sunday. I'm taking my WIP to work on while I'm there and some of the books I got at the workshop to read on the plane.

I'm excited to see Rebecca (18 month old) and Austin(the newborn) and Matt and Alissa just bought a house. But I will be a week behind in my work. Oh, well. Ife only comes around once.


Anonymous said...

You're a great mom and mom-in-law to be so giving Paty. Have a fabulous trip and I hope you can find some time for yourself too.
At least you will be where it's cooler. I love this sunshine we're getting, but I'm melting! See ya when you get back!

Elisabeth Naughton said...

Have a great trip, Paty. And enjoy those babies!