Monday, December 22, 2008

Gifts For Christmas

I thought and thought and couldn't come up with anything writing related to put here today, so I thought I'd write about Christmas gifts.

As a child I sat with the Sear's Wishbook opened to the toy pages and dreamed. Once in a while when times were good, I received the one item on my list I wanted with all my childhood heart.

As I grow older, what I receive for Christmas means little, but what I can give others is what fills my heart with gladness. I search for the perfect gift- bake goodies for family and friends, extend my home to others and work to make it festive.

The days of my childhood when I'd shake, peek, and re-wrap presents because I had to know what was in each one before Christmas changed into wrapping my children's presents so tightly they couldn't be opened without a knife or scissors and using a code rather than names on packages so the kids didn't know which package belonged to who.

Since my marriage, I've had refrigerators, balers, and a bed for my Christmas presents. This year I just circled some western jewelry in a magazine and asked for a pair of warm gloves for feeding animals. I'm pretty sure I got the gloves. ;)

The gifts I've made and purchased will be doled out to my family with love, respect, and a dollop of fun. My wish is for the grandchildren who will be here to be in awe of the 17' tree and remember grandma's house as a place to laugh,love, and have fun. That is the gift I hope to give this Christmas.

What gifts do you want or hope to give?


Lauri said...

I too remember those Sear Wish catalogs! The gift giving is what I like, finding that one special item for someone, (I'm not a fan of gift cards at all,) and watching their face light up when they open it.

Holiday blessings, and thanks for the e-card! I loved it!

Helen Hardt said...

Oh, I remember the Sears Wishbook!

And I had to laugh about opening and rewrapping gifts. I was the worst! I caught my son doing it three years ago, and the next year I wrapped all his presents with duct tape, LOL.


Nicole McCaffrey said...

LOL I thought I was the only one who did the re-wrapping thing when I was a kid! Guess I'm in good company.

This will probably be the last year my 8 YO believes in Santa--he's already very skeptical. So this was a bittersweet year for us. It was all very real for my 6 YO, he had trouble sleeping.

My wish for them was that they'd see the real meaning of Christmas and not just have the "gimme's". I guess they'll need to be a bit older before they do, but I did my best this year to instill that into them.

Overall a very nice holiday spent with family. I'm always thankful to get one more Christmas with my dad.