Monday, February 02, 2009

Marching forward

Good Monday morning! I don't know about you, but the weekend went waaay too fast for me. But it brought me to today and the start of my next Halsey book. Yep, today I dig in and start putting some serious words on the page. Doctor in Petticoats is Clay Halsey and Dr. Rachel Tarkiel's story. I can't tell you too much until you've read Miner in Petticoats. But according to my editor- he's gong to be a hard sell as a hero. So my work is cut out for me with this book.

This week is all about writing. I don't have any promo's set to do, but I do have to put together a presentation on Promotion 101 for my local writing group. And revamp the Characterization workshop I'm giving in Spokane next month.

We're supposed to hit 60 here today, so I'll be walking. Even if I have to stay on the road because the fields are too muddy.

So what are your plans this week? Anything fun and exciting?


Lauri said...

60 above???? Oh, my that sounds wonderful!

Good luck with the new book, I'm sure you are up to the challenge.

My goal is to write a synopsis...I will get it done...I will get it done...I will...

Helen Hardt said...

No writing goals for me this week. My plate is full with freelance editing.

Next week I plan to write a few synopses and do some revisions.

Good luck with the new book!


Paty Jager said...

Well, the radio lied. It only made it to 50. But I'm not complaining!

Lauri, you can do the synopsis. I have faith in you.

Helen, Good luck with the editing and let me know how the synopsis goes!

chanceofbooks said...

If anyone can sell him, you can! I'm really looking forward to this one!

Paty Jager said...

Thanks, Wavy!