Monday, December 05, 2005

Happy Holidays-Right!

If these are supposed to be Happy Holidays, why am I feeling stressed and unproductive!

I have my shopping done, just waiting for something I ordered via the internet to arrive so I can send boxes to Alaska and Texas. My house all but the tree (which we are getting this weekend) is decorated and I have started baking the goodies for neighbors and fellow employees.

So why can't I focus on Brock and Carina, or Drake and Julie, or Dove and Wewukiye? I have a cp reading Safe Haven and asked for more, only I don't have any more! I hope with her bugging me it will make me start cranking out the pages. I'm also taking an online Feng Shui class to see if I can make myself more productive. I'm willing to try anything at this point!LOL


Anonymous said...

Feng Shui is very important so this will be very helpful to you I'm sure.

I try to Feng Shui my life every few months because it just gets too cluttered otherwise and I get all stressed out.

Good luck with the writing. Maybe just give yourself permission to not be motivated towards writing and all of a sudden you may find yourself tapping away at your stories again. :)

princessc1987 said...

Okay, since I know who the cp is... here's my berrating.... SEND MORE ! :> Just kidding.

Look, it's okay to take a holiday break. This time of year is hard to write (I'm soooo guilty of that myself - of course I started at Thanksgiving... :>)

Get a notebook and if ideas come to you, jot them down. You can jump back into writing after Christmas.

And though I'd love to read more on S.H., I don't want to see you stressed out over it. (stress doesn't make a good catalyst for writing - unless it's a deadline for a sale... hee hee)
