Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Promo Wednesday

Who came up with Wednesday as being a promo day anyway? LOL

Let's see... I'll be at RWA Nationals next week in San Francisco. I'm excited, nervous, and a little stressed. I'm not a fan of large crowds- hence our property in an area where the closest neighbor is 1/2 mile and the town is made up of the post office and one manufactured home. But I'm going to be tough and chatty and get to know more people. If by chance you are going to be at the conference please snag me and say "hi" or better yet participate in one of the following happenings at the conference.

1) I'm teaching a workshop Wednesday at the Historical conference in the Marriott at 11:10 am "Wild West Characters". I have free books and goodies to the people who ask questions.

2) Wednesday night I'll be set up as one of the signing authors at the Literacy book signing from 5:30- 8:00 pm.

3) Thursday morning, I'll be on a panel of historical authors at the Hearts Through History general meeting/breakfast.

That's the promo info I have for today.

I believe I have internet access at the hotel (I better for the price I'm paying) . If so, I'll try to post while I'm at the conference.

Anyone out there have any good news or if you're a writer anything you'd like to post in comments or have me post here on a Wednesday? If you're a writer and would like me to post your promotion items e-mail me at:

1 comment:

Nicole McCaffrey said...

Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned for conference!

Sigh. Another whole week without a Paty fix, LOL.