After three days of rain- which is not the norm for around here- we have sunshine! Well we will as soon as the fog all clears off. We have puddles everywhere! The little calves that were born the end of last week won't know what sunshine is.
I spent the weekend, getting things caught up and am now, finally able to get going on my own writing. But this week isn't turning out to be the great writing week I'd hoped. I seem to have some place to go or something to do every day. So there won't be any one solid writing day.
I have a 4-H sewing meeting this morning, a RWA meeting tomorrow, pies to bake Wednesday, Thursday I drive to elk camp and Friday I'm helping a friend. Hey maybe next Saturday I'll have all day to myself, that is if my dh doesn't come home from hunting that day!
How is your week stacking up? Looking forward to a Thanksgiving with family and friends or a just a quiet day?
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