Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Blog Tour Winners

Congratulations to Arletta Dawdy! You are the winner. There was a tie between you and Ann Campbell and my granddaughter drew your name. Ann you are a winner, too, just not the grand prize. As well as the other two who followed me to ten or more blogs- flchen1 and Loretta Canton.

I would like all four of you to e-mail me at patyjag at gmail.com with your mailing addresses.

Thank you all for joining the tour and look for a special puzzle tour in August!


Arletta Dawdy said...

Oh, my goodness! Thank you for the lovely surprise. While I hopes to win at some point as I traveled alng with you Paty, I got more immersed in the content of your posts and in the blogs we visited.
Thank you, thank you...I can't wait to tell my critique group and WWW.

Fedora said...

Paty, aren't you a sweetheart?! Thank you again for sharing so much fascinating info with us about your book and its context during this lovely tour!