Monday, May 30, 2011

Blog Tour Winners

Thank you everyone who followed me on my blog tour. You are all awesome and I enjoyed your comments.

I said I'd draw a winner if there was a tie. There was! Becky W. is the grand prize winner, but because you were all so faithful everyone who visited ten or more blogs will receive the cowboy boot shot glass.

So Becky and Jean P., J.K. Maze, Virginia, Marybelle, Melinda E.,and Library Pat please send an e-mail with your mailing address to hihocowpatyatyahoodotcom.

Thank you everyone who visited my blog tour!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Becky!!!

Becky said...

Thanks Virginia.

Paty, thanks for having the blog tour. I enjoyed every post, they were fun and informative about the Nez Perce.