Friday, May 27, 2011

Memorial Weekend

In my family Memorial weekend has always been a time to get together and enjoy loved ones. We camped or had big barbeques with family and friends. But having an ex-marine for a father and now having a son and daughter-in-law in the Air Force and a son-in-law in the Coast Guard and another son-in-law in Law Enforcement remembering what they do to keep us all safe and remembering those who have suffered to keep us safe, let's all send out our thanks and prayers to the men and women who give so much so the rest of us can be free.

Don't forget to continue to follow my blog tour(See sidebar) and on Monday evening(possibly Tuesday morning) the winners will be announced right here. So stay tuned!

I have a new contest coming in June and the prize is a $25.00 gift certificate to Barnes and Nobles. Come back to find out how you can win that!

June will be busy for me. I'm presenting how to pitch at the local RWA meeting, teaching an online workshop on Promotion, and duel presenting a workshop on critiquing with Lindy Jacobs for the local writers group AND attending my niece's wedding. So stick around and see if I remain sane through June!

Have a safe weekend!


Anonymous said...

Happy Memorial weekend, enjoy time with your family. We do that of the fourth of July in my family. This weekend my hubby has to work Sat. and Sun so no plans here.

Paty Jager said...

Thanks Virginia!

Becky said...

Happy Memorial Weekend, Paty. I hope you and your family have a wonderful time. My family gets together for the day, but since I have moved out of state it something that I don't get to join in anymore. I miss being at the family functions.

Mary Preston said...

I hope you had the chance to catch up with loved ones.

gtyyup said...

John and I should have come down and visited with you guys last was so dang cold 'n wet, I just stayed by the wood stove. Hope the weekend turned out OK despite the lousy weather.

Paty Jager said...

Hi Karen, our oldest daughter and her family were with us so we had a full cabin when it rained.

I'm starting to come to the conclusion my horse is not a trail horse...