Do you like the new header up on this blog? Be truthful. Yes or No.
My company of three weeks is leaving this weekend. Next week I hope to begin writing the last Halsey book and work on setting up another book for Kindle. It's one I co-authored with another western author- Lauri Robinson. I'll keep you posted on when that will be available.
We took the eight grandkids to the county fair this week. When the youngest (3 years-0ld) couldn't go on the Ferris wheel she was devastated. So her mom handed me her coupons and I took her on the kiddie rides. She wanted to ride the Tiger roller coaster. She'd been on it once with her older brother(7 years old)and could only ride if she was with someone bigger. When I told her she need her brother to ride with her, she looked up at me with big blue eyes and said, "Grams, other big people are riding." In other words she'd seen other adults on the ride and guess who ended up locked into the roller coaster beside her? She had a blast! Her arms were stretched in the air and she screamed down the inclines and grinned wide and happy on the slow grind up.
Today I'm picking up a friend who is traveling with me to the speaking engagement I have on Saturday. It's been fun figuring out what to put into the presentation to make it interesting. I enjoy the Oregon Coast and am looking forward to even a half a day to enjoy it.
Enjoy your weekend and let me know if you did anything fun.
Hi Paty,
I love your header. I've also marked your blog to favorites so I won't forget to return. My WIP is my first western and I've been reading as much as I can and tryiing to follow authors that write western. So you're on my list. Looking forward to reading one of your books. Judy Baker
Thanks Judy. Where are your westerns set?
I like the header, but I have to admit that I liked your wood background more than the purple. But that's just me. :)
I rode an elephant with my granddaughter because 'other big people were'.
Your speaking engagement sounds fun! We had a birthday party for our youngest granddaughter this weekend, she turned one. Lots of fun!
Have a great week!
I like the wood better, too, but I didn't like it with this new banner. I'll keep playing! Funny on the elephant ride and fun on the party!
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