Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday Guest - Abbey MacInnis

Abbey MacInnis is a published author of Contemporary Western romance. Along with Contemporary, she writes Historical, Paranormal and erotic romance. Whether she’s being swept off her feet by a Medieval knight, regency rake, or cowboy or cop, her heroes are always strong men who’ll love their women unconditionally.

On most days, Abbey can be found at her computer, penning her latest tale. A tale where love, respect, and passion combine to create a satisfying and happy ending. She invites you to step in to the pages of her romances, to leave your worries behind and get swept up in her world.

When did you know you were a writer?

Thanks for having me here today, Paty. I think I knew I was a writer when i finished my very first manuscript. It was a mess, mind you, but I finished it. :) It felt like such a huge accomplishment. I still feel that way when I’ve completed a story.

You are like me and write in various genres, do you have one that is your favorite? If so why?
I don't really have a favorite. I love writing Historicals. Doing the research is so much fun for me. :) His Fifth Avenue Thief, since it's my first Historical, it took me a little while to write it because I kept checking and rechecking the research. I wouldn’t say that Contemporaries are easier, but they’re just different. I’ve started a story thinking it was a Contemporary, but as I progressed through the story, I realized it was an Historical instead. Funny how that happens. *g*
What are you working on now?
Oy. Is that a trick question? LOL I'm currently working on a holiday novella that's a contemporary story, and I'm finishing up a time travel Regency romance that I intend to release early next year. I also want to write and release the companion story to HFT, featuring Timothy, the theater attendant.

His Fifth Avenue Thief blurb:
Two years prior, Irishman Aaron O’Connel took his life from rags to riches. Chance and wits have kept him alive in 1850’S New York City. But no amount of money or success can bring his love Cathlene back from the dead. When a thief sneaks her way into his mansion, the last woman he expects to find absconding with his belongings is his long lost wife.

Abandoned on New York’s shores, a widowed, penniless, and ruined Cathlene O'Connel was left to fend for herself in an unfamiliar world. Fear and circumstance drove her to a life of thieving in order to survive, but her heart risks the biggest danger of all when Aaron hands her a scandalous proposition: A son in exchange for her freedom.

Now that he has her back, Aaron doesn't intend to let Cathlene slip between his fingers. He'll do whatever it takes to regain her trust and love. But when an enemy from Cathlene's past resurfaces, Aaron not only faces battling for Cathlene's heart, but also her life.

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Cathy in AK said...

Gotta say, I have a soft spot for girl thieves : ) This sounds like a fun one, Abbey. Congrats !

Abbey MacInnis said...

Thanks, Cathy! :) I loved getting to know Cathlene's character. :) She had so many layers to her. There were surprises at every turn, but I enjoyed every minute. Thanks for commenting! :)

Vicki Batman, sassy writer said...

Wow, what a premise. Thank you for sharing.

Janice Seagraves said...

I love your premise for you story, sounds like a great read.
