My placement in the book store on Saturday where I had a book signing was in the used book/coffee and goodies section. Behind me, to my delight, were the shelves of mystery/thriller authors. Browsing the names, I was pleased to note I'd read at least one book from most of the authors. Many years ago was the phase of reading when I went through many mystery authors. I can't remember why I'd only read the one book from some authors, but I'm thinking probably because it scared me and that was why I didn't pick up another by most of the authora.
I know that was true with Ruth Rendell, though it was after starting a third one of her books that I stopped reading her books. In case you missed it when I stated my flaw before, I'm a scaredy cat. As a child the abominable snowman on "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" scared me and I never watch a scary movie or read a scary book. I have nightmares, and I don't like having them. If I'm reading a book and it starts to scare me I won't read any more, and I won't pick up another book by that author for fear it will be scary too.
If only I could remember the title of the Rendell book I couldn't finish. I only know she got so deep into the sadistic mind of the villain I couldn't keep reading, and I picked up another nicer book to read so I could go to sleep. I read the book at a time in my life when I was home alone at night a lot. My husband was a truck driver and could be gone for days at a time. With me already being a scaredy cat and then being alone, it wasn't a good combination.

Have you read any of Ruth's books? If so which one and was it scary? I wouldn't mind reading her again if I don't get scared. ;0)
I don't remember reading any of Ruth's books. I think I might of read one of her books written by Barbara Vine, since that name is more familiar with me. I will have to check out her books and see if I would like to read them or not.
Becky, she's a good writer, just too wickedly graphic for me.
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