Saturday, June 22, 2013

Romcon 2013

Wow! Yesterday was run, run for me. I hosted or participated in five events!

Me calling out Bingo
Morning started off with First Kiss Scenes. Ten authors submitted first kiss scenes from one of their books. The scenes were mixed up among the authors and we read them one at a time and the audience had to guess which author read the scene. When the book signing arrived later in the day, I had two people purchase Secrets of a Mayan Moon because of my first kiss scene that was read from that book.

The next event was Romance Bingo during lunch. I was the person in charge of that event. I'd garnered 100 book covers and my technically adept daughter made 200 bingo cards that were passed out . I also gave them smarties to use as the markers on the cards, but the tables were small and just the plates really had room on the table so people ate the smarties and used pens to mark their cards. We gave out prizes for first lines filled and then the grand prize for a full card came at cover number 82! It was a fun event to host.
Bingo participants

From there, I hustled to the Speed Dating event. Authors sat behind tables around the edge of the room and the attendees took seats. We talked books and reading then every two minutes they shifted to the right. I started passing out my "survival tins" at this event.

Next was the Cowboy Corral, myself and five other western authors: Randi Alexander, Helen Hardt, Lorelei James, Donna Michaels, and Cindy Woolf hosted the event. We had a hot cowboy for the attendees to get their photo with and we passed out our books as well as moved from table to table talking with the attendees.

Cowboy Corral Gang with Model
From the Corral, I flew to the book signing. I passed out more tins at this event, sold books, and passed out all my flyers that had all my books.
Me at book signing.

I continued passing out the tins everywhere I went the rest of the day and plan to carry the bag with me today and get rid of all of them. They are getting rave reviews!

Speaking of reviews...Secrets of a Mayan Moon is a finalist in the Romcon Reader's Crown contest for Suspense. So keep your fingers crossed! I learn tomorrow if it is a winner or not.

1 comment:

Paty Jager said...

Thanks! I won!!!