Sunday, September 22, 2013

Out of the Shadows by Geri Foster

Geri's book Out of the Shadows is part of the box set 9 Ways to Fall in Love.

Out of the Shadows came to me much like all my books, I get the very beginning of the story, then the characters show up, then we’re off to the races. Before I write I want to know, what the characters want, why they must have it, and what or who is between them and what they want.
With those questions answered, I generally find a location that will be difficult for them to pull off any assignment. Falcon Agents rarely visit resort areas. They are far more likely to be in a dessert, Russia, Damascus, or Columbia. These are places where it isn’t easy to do what they set out to accomplish. I think that’s half the fun, don’t you?

I usually come up with two characters that are completely opposite of one another. If my heroine is a strict rule follower, then I make sure my hero is a fly by the seat of his pants kind of guy. In Out of the Shadows, Brody’s a, ‘do it now and beg forgiveness later’, kind of guy. That behavior drives CIA Agent, Kate Stone, crazy.

Also, I want two people who can, if they tear down the barriers they’ve erected, fall in love. After all, that’s what we all want to happen.

Reviewers say my writing is fast, action-packed and hot. I think I’ll try to continue with that description.

Geri's Bio:
As long as she can remember, Geri Foster has been a lover of reading and the written words. In the seventh grade she wore out two library cards and had read every book in her age area of the library. After raising a family and saying good-bye to the corporate world, she tried her hand at writing.
Action, intrigue, danger and sultry romance drew her like a magnet. That’s why she has no choice but to write action-romance suspense. While she reads every genre under the sun, she’s always been drawn to guns, bombs and fighting men. Secrecy and suspense move her to write edgy stories about daring and honorable heroes who manage against all odds to end up with their one true love.

Out of the Shadows is one of nine books in the box set 9 Ways to Fall in Love that is now available for a special introductory price of $.99!!  It will only be this price for 30 days, so get your e-copy soon! As part of the special introductory offer we are also giving away prices one a day. You can sign up to win at or by leaving a comment on any one of the author's blogs.

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