Over the years, I've heard many authors with big publishers say, I gave them the descriptions of my hero and heroine and my blonde heroine has black hair and my cowboy has on sneakers.
It is hard to find the photos that depict a story or the characters to put on a cover. Especially romance books. You want people who look like the characters, but you don't want to make them so distinguishable that the reader is thrown off by something you describe in the book that doesn't match the people. I've heard many readers say they like to visualize the characters in their mind and sometimes their depiction isn't anywhere close to the models on the cover. I like to use the pose that to me shows the character(s), then make sure they have period or vocation clothing and the same color hair as my hero or heroine. Their features don't have to be distinctive because those small things are what the reader adds to their perception of the couple. Am I right readers?
Lately, for the romance covers, as soon as I get an idea of the hero and heroine, I start scouring the stock photo sites, looking for the perfect hero, heroine or couple in a poise that shows the heat of the story.

Running from her past, Kitty Baxter catches a glimpse of her future—if she’s brave enough to believe in herself and the kind-hearted stranger who claims she deserves love.
Focused on setting up his new
veterinarian practice, Zach MacDonald becomes sidetracked by a karaoke singing
beauty with a secret. He sees what others don’t, and becomes determined to make
Kitty see that anyone can learn to catch the rain.

After hiding in an outhouse to keep from being killed by his own gang and the law, Topeka Kid died and Larkin Webster was reborn. When Savannah Gentry, sister to the owner of the Silver Dollar Saloon, stumbles off the train and into his arms, he chases the excitement he once knew as an outlaw. This time, his heart won’t listen to his head. Loving this woman may end his career as a preacher, but it will make his life a challenge until the day he is put in the ground.
I'll also have another contemporary western novella, Eight Seconds to Love, coming out in September. I found the perfect couple and pose for this book also at Period Images.

Lacey Wallis is injured during the bull ride that moves her
up in the rankings to go to National Finals Rodeo. Her dream. But the guy
she had a crush on when she was thirteen is back in her life, and trying his
darnedest to make her give up on the bulls and get her adrenaline rush from
I love the blurb for Eight Seconds To Love and can't wait to read it. It's so hard to find the right photo for a cover.
HI Stephanie, I agree. Finding the photos takes a lot of time. But finding the right one feels like winning the lottery! Thanks! You should find it in your inbox for your critique.
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