Thursday, October 05, 2017

A Day in the Life by Paty Jager

Jammer in central Oregon
Monday morning I fed George and Apollo and walked up to start the water for the horses. I started the water and  noticed Jammer standing with one leg up off the ground. I went through the gate and spotted a gash/ deep scratch on her left back knee.  The other two, Bud and Lily, were farther away from the gate. So I opened it and let her out even though I didn't have a halter or rope with me. She walked out and went straight to the hay stacked outside the pen to feed this winter.

I hoofed it down to the tack room and grabbed her halter and lead rope. Back at the hay, I put the
her leg
halter on her and led her to the corral. I tied her up and assessed the wound. It wasn't very deep but was oozy. I washed it with an iodine solution and put an ointment on it to help it heal and keep flies off.

She didn't like the sting of the iodine but all she did was pick up her foot and squeeze the crook of her leg, making it harder for me to clean it.

iodine and salve
After Jammer was doctored, I had to move panels to give her more space in the corral and keep her away from the pony and burro. She isn't mean, but she is a tall horse and all she had to do is lay her ears back and the other two don't go near the hay. So to make it more tolerable for all of them, I penned Jammer off from the little boys.

I added water to the empty tank in the main corral and partitioned it so Jammer could drink from the smaller trough under the lean-to.

After the animals were all situated, I came back to the house, worked on edits and formatting and made lunch for hubby, son-in-law and neighbor who were putting up the rafters on hubby's shop. They left, I cleaned up and did some more writing related stuff. Late afternoon, I made cupcakes and started preparations for dinner.  It was mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, chicken fried steak.  Having our son-in-law here is like having the grandkids this summer. He eats as much as two people!

We watched The Voice and went to bed. That was my exciting Monday! How was your Monday? 

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