Friday, September 28, 2007

Friday Five- Things I feel good about

When I started doing this Friday Five blog I thought, piece of cake, I can come up with five things about something every week. Well, my problem is deciding which five things to blog about! My life at the moment looks like a supersonic roller coaster and I'm not sure how to get off! LOL

But with all that's going on, I decided to blog about five things that I feel good about.

1) Our daughters call us at least once every week. Keeping us up to date on all that is happening with their brother, their families, and checking up on their parents.

2) I talked again with the owner of Camalli Books and the Reading/ Book Signing is set for 6 pm on Nov. 2nd.

3) Heard from my publisher and I can get my author copies of Perfectly Good Nanny so the book store can order them and we WILL have the books for the release date signing!! YEAH!

4) I am giving up four days of writing to work with three 4th grade classes next week. I'm teaching these classes how to write a picture book so they can enter the Rotary/Library picture book contest. I love working with kids and I love the fact it is at the grade school all my kids attended.

5) My husband has got to be the most supportive man I've ever met! I told him, you know how I almost had the visa paid off... well I ordered books, registered for EPICon, and ordered some more promo stuff. He just smiled. Then I said, and I'll be gone to a retreat this weekend, I'll be at a meeting in Corvallis on Monday and I have this thing to teach at the school, oh and are you ready to go to Salem and the coast next weekend? He just smiled, kissed me, and headed to work. I guess it's enough for him to know I'm happy and fulfilling my dream.

What things happened this week than you feel good about?

PS: This picture is of my other two youngsters. Miz Piggie (black and white one) and Stud Muffin(the boar)


Lexi said...

Hi, Paty! I found you through Elisabeth's blog. How's the writing going? Are you still doing the 1000 words a day challenge? I signed on to do 100 words a day for 100 days and so far I've exceeded my own expectations and I'm making great progress! Good luck to you.

Paty Jager said...

Hi Lexie!

I've only managed about 6,000 words. My life lately has gotten in the way of making my words per day, but November and December I intend to burn up my keyboard and have a finished first draft of my WIP.

Thanks for popping over and checking out my blog!

Nicole McCaffrey said...

Definitely some good things to be feeling good about.

Hope you had a great retreat and a fun weekend. I'm finally starting to feel human again -- back from the land of the red, raw nose and mountains of Kleenex!