Monday, February 18, 2008

Read a Good Book Lately?

With writing, promoting, and research I find I don't read as much as I should. But when I'm on trips traveling I get a book read. This past weekend while traveling to and from my daughter's for a granddaughter's 4th birthday I read Linda Lael Miller's "McKettrick's Luck".

My writing has been likened to hers and I've read her historicals in the past. This was the first contemporary western of hers I've read. Her characters were real and the little snips of humor were fun. I enjoyed reading this book and will be looking for other books with the McKettrick family in them.

This was particularly interesting to me because I'm getting ready to embark on writing a contemporary western of my own. But since I don't know any millionaires and doubt I could even think like one my characters will not be millionaires. Life will be a little harder for them. But it got me to wondering- I've noticed a lot of contemporary books have rich characters, I guess so they don't have to go to dull boring day jobs and to make them more interesting.

So what's your take on this? Are charcters in books rich so they don't have to work and makes less mundane things the writer has to write about, or are they rich because the reader secretly wishes some rich hero would come along and sweep them off their feet? Makes me wonder???

1 comment:

Nicole McCaffrey said...

I've always thought the wealth meant security and yes, excitement. But I certainly think it's possible to write about people finding their way or even struggling and still make it interesting. It's closer to what real life is about, after all.

Love Linda's McKettrick series, but like you, haven't had much time to read lately, LOL.