Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Booksigning Coming!

I visited with the owner of Camelli Books in Bend. A new book store that has opened, and she is excited to have a booksigning on my release day! November 2nd for "Perfectly Good Nanny"! Which if you haven't visited my website - - has been receiving some good reviews. I'll do a reading and signing. We'll both contact the media and I need to send out postcards to the locals as well as contact the TV person who did my last interview.

So now I have that on my plate as well as updating my website with workshop information, the chapter conference, librarian conference, going to Alaska to visit our son and grandkids, and teaching a writing class to 4th graders for a picture book contest they are doing.

I'm glad I got my workshop proposal into RWA Nationals already. That's one less thing to think about!

So whats on your plate for the month of October?

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