As promised to some who have been wondering... My book signing on Saturday was nice- no stampeding crowd, which I knew, but I could have used a few more friendly faces there.
I did have my friend and fellow writer, Lindy Jacobs come, also my longest running fan and good friend Karen McBride. The third person in the one photo is Tina Davis, the book store owner. Another friend who attended was Anita Lanning from the Redmond Writers.
The Camalli Book Store is inviting, I love sitting there among all the books. The owner is friendly and warm. A very personable woman. She apologized that the store was so slow on Saturday. She said it had been busy all week and she thought the weekend would be busy too. But that's okay, I managed to get some research done in between visiting with the customers and those who came to purchase my book. I had cookies, candy canes, and pens I gave out to everyone whether they bought a book or not.
I visited with a couple of people who were just curious about my writing process. It seems like anyone who finds out I'm a writer asks the same question. It's hard for me to imagine being someone who didn't have characters and stories always swirling in my head- To me that would be dull! LOL But many people can't fathom the things that go on in my head!
The highlight of the day was stopping at a store on my way home and running into someone I know and I had expected to be at the book signing. Turns our she thought it started when it ended. We laughed about it and she bought and I signed a book in the store parking lot!
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