Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Promo Wednesday

First up if you're a writer and you have something to promote contact me at patyjagatgmaildotcom I have openings on this blog for the rest of the year and I'm ready to book into next year.

Starting tomorrow I'm blogging three days with Kelly Moran. Come on by, leave a comment, and get in the drawing for a book.

Sunday you can catch me blogging on the Historical Roses blog.

And the 8th at the LASR blog.

If anyone is in the Burns area on the 16th my friend Danita Cahill and I will be talking writing and signing books at The Book Parlor.

If you're an RWA member and you'll be attending the Emerald City Romance Writers conference in Bellevue, WA the first weekend of October, look me up. I'll be signing books and teaching a workshop.


Lauri said...

Good heavens, woman, do you ever sleep? Congrats on all the great promo!

M Pax said...

Wow. You are busy.

Paty Jager said...

Sleep? What's that? LOL Actually I have 8 hours a night or I'm a bear. I just keep myself busy.

And I missed the Saturday blog with Stacey Kennedy. Check out my side bar.