Monday, August 06, 2007

Patience, Please

This is going to be another sporadic week. My company leaves on Tuesday, I'm judging at a county fair on Wednesday, and I have a lot of editing to get caught up on. I also have plans to redo this blog site, if I don't run out of time or energy.

I have a lovely newsletter all written and looking awesome, but after sending it to a friend with dial up I find it takes too long to download, so I'm thinking about either just writing the info in the body of an e-mail with only my book cover or when ever my web mistress gets settled in her new home, I add a page to my web site that is the newsletter and just e-mail the URL to those who requested to be on the e-mail list.

What do you think? E-mail newsletter of put it on the website and e-mail the URL?

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